[研究発表] A Pattern Language for MVC Derivatives

小林研M1(YSEP Int’l exchange student)のSami LAPPALAINENさんが、東京都 新宿区で開催された 6th Asian Conference on Pattern Languages of Programs (AsianPLoP 2017) にて研究成果を発表しました.

著者:Sami Lappalainen and Takashi Kobayashi (Tokyo Tech)
題目:A Pattern Language for MVC Derivatives
Choosing a suitable software UI-pattern for an application can be hard and time consuming. There are multiple choices available, some being a part of the so called Model-View-* (MV*) family of patterns. The aim of this study is to provide a comparison of these patterns to help in the selection of a suitable pattern. We discuss the differences, pros and cons of the three main patterns; Model-View-Controller, Model-View-Presenter and Model-View-Viewmodel. For this paper a study of literature was conducted in order to understand and compare these patterns, then a simple pattern language was visualised to aid in decision making.