[論文発表] Grouping Objects for Execution Trace Analysis based on Design Patterns (IWESEP2013@Bankok)
- 12 /
12 2013
小林研M2の戸田さんが,卒論の内容を拡張させた論文「Grouping Objects for Execution Trace Analysis based on Design Patterns」をBankokで開催された APSEC2013併設の国際ワークショップ IWESEP2013 において発表しました.
To comprehend an object-oriented software, visualizing object interactions performed as a UML sequence
diagram is a promising technique for helping developers. However such UML sequence diagrams are typically too huge to comprehend behavior. In this paper, we propose a novel technique to generate abstracted sequence diagrams based on the information of applied GoF design patterns in a source
code. We discuss effectiveness of our approach through a case study applying our implemented tool to an open source software.
Tatsuya Toda, Takashi Kobayashi, Noritoshi Atsumi, Kiyoshi Agusa: Grouping Objects for Execution Trace Analysis based on Design Patterns, Proc. APSEC2013 WTIP pp.25-30, (IWESEP2013: The 5th International Workshop on Empirical Software Engineering in Practice ), Dec 2 2013 Bangkok, Thailand