[論文発表] A Change Guide Method Based on Developers’ Interaction and Past Recommendation
- 02 /
15 2016
小林研M2の山森さんが,2/15-16に オーストリアのInnsbruckで開催された国際会議 The 14th IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering にて自身の卒業論文をベースにした論文を発表しました.
著者:Akihiro Yamamori and Takashi Kobayashi
題目:A Change Guide Method Based on Developers’ Interaction and Past Recommendation
掲載誌名: Proc. the 14th IASTED International Conference on Software Engineering, pp.281-288, Innsbruck, Austria, Feb. 2016.
In this paper, we propose a change guide method based on the past developers’ activity that consists of read and write access records of artifacts. In our proposed method, we calculate candidates of next change recommendation considering the history of its recommendations. We
define “cumulative likelihood” to enable the method to recommend the appropriate candidates when a change propagates more than one code elements. A case study using interaction history logs from 15 participants showed the improvement of the accuracy of the method-level change recommendation.